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2006 Conference > Presentation Outlines

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Mr. Stephen Lewis

Dave Wahl, B.A, MBA
Senior Vice President National Sales, TD Asset Management
Maximize Business Success with Personal Branding

Geoff Davey, CEO FinaMetrica Pty Limited
Managing Risk Tolerance

Patrick Longhurst, CFP, FCIA
Exercising your Options – Helping your Clients make Pension Decisions

Barry LaValley
The Wealth Management Approach – More than just money

William (Bill) Hill, Vice-President Advisor Channel, RBC Asset Management Inc.
Behaving Your Way to Investment Success

Jill Hewlett
Overcoming your mental blocks with Brain Gym for On- the Job Success

Debble Hartzman, CFP, CLU, CDFA, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
Financial Divorce Planning

Salim Hajee, B. Math, CFP and Robert Camp, F.S.A., F.C.I.A.
The Straight Goods on Individual Pension Plans

James K. Whittaker, Senior Insurance Specialist Investors Group
Corporate Insured Annuities

Wally Kusters, CFA, MBA, Managing Director, Barrantagh Investment Director - Guardian Group of Funds
Underloved Small Cap Income Trusts

Marcia Mantell, BA., B.ED., EPC., CFP - Fidelity Investments
The Retirement Opportunity - Understand the Changing Demographic Landscape

Mark Smigel, BA., B. ED., EPC., CFP Senior Marketing Representative, Western Region, AIG Life of Canada
Covering Your Assets: Insuring Your Practice with Insurance

Gil J. Korn, B.A., LL.B., M.B.A. AVP, Tax & Estate Planning Group - Manulife Financial
Life Insurance and the Possible Creditor Protection Advantages it can Provide

Linda J. Murray, LL.B., CFE, Ken Parker, CA., B.Com., John W. Murray, BA, LLB, LLM, CD, Senior Vice President, Policy & Corporate Affairs, The Investment Funds Institute of Canada & Christopher S. Reynolds, President, Investment Planning Counsel Inc.
Regulatory Panel

Brad Offman, AVP Strategic Philanthropy, Tax and Estate Planning - Mackenzie Investments
Incorporating Charitable Giving into your practice

Thomas E. Junkin, Senior Vice President, Fiduciary Trust Co. of Canada
Building your High Net Worth Business: A Matter of Life and Death

Ian Thomson, Senior Vice President & Managing Director
Oil and Gas 101 - Your Investment Options

Ifigenia Fasogiannis, Human Resources & Social Development Canada
Canada's Public Pensions

Amin Mawani, PHD., CMA, CFP
Income Trusts: Risk Management and Valuation

Paul W Chan, CFP, CA(M), FCIS, FCCA, ChFC, FTII, CLU, Cary List, CA, CFP, Geoff Davey, CEO, James A. Barnash, CFP & Christopher S. Reynolds, President, Investment Planning Counsel Inc.
International Panel

Kevin O'Brien, CFP
Introducing Estate Planning to your Clients

Don Nilson, BCom, MSc(Bus Admin), CMA, FCMA, CFP
Principal, Nilson & Company, AFT TRIVEST Management Inc.
Taxation of Investment income: Things that every financial manager should know to provide value-added to the wealth management process.

Tim Cestnick, FCA, CPA, CFP, TEP, Principal, The WaterStreet Group Inc. Author and Columnist
Creative Tax Structures

Linda Caisley, CFP
Private Foundations & How to Help Your Clients with Their Philanthropy
"Giving it Away"

John Boukouris
Capital Accumulation Plans (Cap) Guidelines

Roxanne Eszes, P. Eng., CFP
Current Trends and Issues in Financial Planning

Bruce Kirkby, Adventurer, Writer and Photographer
An Adventurer's Guide to The Importance of Risk Management

Mr. Stephen Lewis   
Companion of the Order of Canada and in April 2005, Stephen Lewis was named by Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Mr. Lewis is a dynamic speaker and will kick off our 2006 Conference with a fresh perspective on global issues and a frontal challenge to the myths of globalization. He will explore the role of leadership in promoting a different set of economic and social priorities for the 21st century.
Dave Wahl, B.A, MBA
Maximize Business Success with Personal Branding
Branding, at its most basic, is a delicate balance of the image you project to your market and the way clients and prospects interpret that image. This presentation is designed to provide advisors with practical strategies and ideas on personal branding to help manage and grow their business:
  • Identify and develop a personal brand
  • Get the "inside edge" by teaching assistants and associates to project this brand -Communicate this brand to clients -Communicate this brand to the community
    Geoff Davey
    CEO, FinaMetrica Pty Limited
    What will be addressed in this session? Clarify the nature of risk tolerance
  • Demonstrate why an objective risk tolerance test is required
  • Provide an introduction to scientific measurement principles
  • Highlight the shortcomings of industry-standard tests
  • Explain how to incorporate test results into the planning process
  • How will this session benefit Financial Planners?
    The session will dispel the common misinformation and misconceptions about risk profiling. Planners will obtain a clearer understanding of risk tolerance, how it should be assessed and how it should be incorporated into the financial planning process. What additional skills shall be introduced in the session?
    Planners will be given a framework for evaluating questionnaire-based tests. Planners will be introduced to a methodology for identifying and resolving mismatches between a clients comfort with financial risk and the financial risk required to achieve the clients goals.
    Patrick Longhurst, CFP, FCIA
    Exercising your Options – Helping your clients make Pension Decisions
    For many people pensions, in particular defined benefit plans, remain a mystery. In this session we will look at the most common pension decisions and see how they can be analyzed so that your clients will appreciate the thought process that is involved and the importance of the lifestyle and financial context. This will be illustrated with actual case studies. The situations to be covered include:
  • Options at retirement – Which one to take?
  • Buying back service – does it make sense?
  • Canada/Quebec Pension Plan – when to start?
  • Special situations – plan windups and redesigns.
    Barry LaValley
    The Wealth Management Approach – More than just money
    Wealth Management is perhaps the fastest growing "brand" that advisors are using on both sides of the border. Yet, it is a misunderstood term. In this presentation Barry LaValley will talk about what true wealth management is and how an advisor can use the approach to create a relationship with clients that will resonate. This session is not about life planning, but about how the advisor can really gain an understanding of the needs and concerns of clients. Barry LaValley's approach to marketing and the discovery process, drawn from his book "Put the Life into your Practice-The wealth management approach" has proven to be very successful and is used by advisors and firms to implement the wealth management approach.
    William (Bill) Hill, Vice-President Advisor Channel, RBC Asset Management Inc.
    Behaving Your Way to Investment Success
    When it comes to making investment decisions, emotions often get in the way, causing investors to make choices that aren't always aligned with their long-term goals. A prime example can be found in the surprisingly small percentage of non-Canadian content held in client portfolios. Despite the elimination of foreign content limits, investors in general still seem reluctant to invest internationally. We'll look at the reasons why investing in international markets makes sense, along with some ideas around how to frame the discussion with your clients. Making appropriate asset allocation decisions, including the level of exposure to foreign markets, requires continued discipline. For those clients who worry about emotions getting in the way, we'll explore how portfolio solutions can help you keep your clients on track.
    Jill Hewlett
    Overcoming your mental blocks with Brain Gym for On-the-Job Success
    Teaching business professionals simple, fun and effective ways to work SMARTER, (not harder!) by turning their brain and energy levels "on" for an effective start to their day, and to keep “switched on” throughout.
    This presentation is filled with interactive examples of easy to do movements and tools that can be used at the office to rewire the brain to more efficiently and effectively:
  • manage priorities
  • communicate confidently
  • overcome anxiety around particular tasks, ie: making cold calls
  • stay focused
  • be more organized
  • reduce stress
  • heighten creativity
  • feel more alive!
    Brain Gym® movements stimulate the flow of information between the brain centers and sensory systems, (body & mind), freeing the innate ability to function at top efficiency and realize our potential.
    Debbie Hartzman, CFP, CLU, CDFA, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
    Financial Divorce Planning
    Financial Divorce Planning a Niche Market, Are you interested in getting paid for your prospecting time. Come and find out how becoming a financial consultant to a niche market allows you to collect fees and prospect clients while you are performing this service. Once you have your CFP using this valuable information to build relationships with people going through divorce and becoming a valuable resource to lawyers and mediators in your community will help to boost your presence as a credible resource and benefit your financial planning practice at the same time. Divorce planning is a growing field as clients look for alternative ways to avoid the costly and ineffective court system. If you are interested in becoming a pioneer in this field then you must attend this session to find out how.
    Salim Hajee, B. Math, CFP and Robert Camp, F.S.A., F.C.I.A.
    The Straight Goods on Individual Pension Plans
    The co-presenters will set the stage with what an IPP can and cannot do. IPPs generally provide a qualified person more deductibility than a pure RRSP but it doesn't play by the same rules. The presentation will chart out the pluses and minuses, when does it best make sense to look at an IPP, and a brief look at the history and steps CRA has taken to control IPPs.
    James K. Whittaker, Senior Insurance Specialist Investors Group
    Increase Your After tax Income and Create a Legacy
    You’re a principal shareholder of a corporation or holdco, approaching or past the age of retirement and want to know how to get money out of your corporation to supplement your retirement income today and you want leave a gift or legacy to your family when you pass on or you are a Professional who has incorporated and are getting close to retirement you want to provide for your retirement, (unlock the value of your practice) and provide for a way to hand your practice on to a younger professional and provide a gift to your family when you pass on. Jim Whittaker will share some exciting ideas on how to use Corporate Insured Annuity’s (back to back annuities) to provide your clients with some options to unlock the assets in their companies, providing supplemental income in retirement in very cost and tax efficient ways.
    Wally Kusters, CFA, MBA, Managing Director, Barrantagh Investment Director
    Guardian Group of Funds
    Underloved Small Cap Income Trusts
    "Small cap income trusts, an emerging asset class, provide a high level of current... they're often inefficiently priced."
    Marcia Mantell, BA., B.ED., EPC., CFP - Fidelity Investments
    The Retirement Opportunity - Understand the Changing Demographic Landscape
    The retirement market in Canada represents a tremendous opportunity.
  • The implications for changing client needs
  • Understand the 5 key risks for lifetime retirement income; longevity, inflation, asset allocation, excess withdrawal and health care.
    Mark Smigel, BA., B. ED., EPC., CFP Senior Marketing Representative, Western Region, AIG Life of Canada
    Cover Your Assets: Insuring Your Practice Through Insurance
    Has your client enjoyed the fruits of a great market? Is your business flourishing? Ever wonder what could happen to it if things go wrong? Mark Smigel of AIG Life of Canada shares the effects of risk management within the financial planning practice within a one hour session. He discusses the issues related to fiduciary responsibility, client loyalty, and shows you where the opportunities for cashflow protection exist – for your client and for you! In a world full of litigation, it is wise to cover your assets. Come see what others are missing and risk losing!
    Gil J. Korn, B.A., LL.B., M.B.A.
    AVP, Tax & Estate Planning Group Manulife Financial
    Life Insurance and the Possible Creditor Protection Advantages it can Provide
    Gil will explore the premise that life insurance can provide unique protection from creditors in certain situations, and will point out some hazards and limitations to be weary of. He will highlight some simple ideas for your clients to ensure they put themselves in the best position to take advantage of the potential creditor protection available to them through the use of life insurance products. In the presentation, Gil will discuss the extended definition of "life insurance", the basics of creditor protection relating to life insurance products – both during the lifetime of the owner and at the owner’s death, and will examine the rules applying to registered investments and the use of life insurance products in this environment.
    Linda J. Murray, LL.B., CFE
    Ken Parker, CA., B.Com.
    John W. Murray, BA, LLB, LLM, CD, Senior Vice President, Policy & Corporate Affairs, The Investment Funds Institute of Canada
    Chirstopher S. Reynolds, President, Investment Planning Counsel Inc.

    Regulatory Panel
    Learn about the latest proposals that will affect you as a Financial Planner.
    Brad Offman AVP Strategic Philanthropy,Tax and Estate Planning
    Mackenzie Investments
    Incorporating Charitable Giving into your practice
    Brad Offman will introduce new opportunities to incorporate charitable gift planning into your practice and help you to explore ideas on how to raise this topic with your clients. Charitable gift planning is an excellent way to help deepen client relationships while assisting them with their philanthropic goals.
    Thomas E. Junkin, Senior Vice President, Fiduciary Trust Co. of Canada
    Building your High Net Worth Business: A Matter of Life and Death
  • Understanding Canada's High Net Worth market
  • Lessons learned from High Net Worth clients and advisors
  • How can you build your High Net Worth practice?
  • Questions and answers.
    Ian Thomson, Senior Vice President & Managing Director
    Oil and Gas 101 - Your Investment Options
    A 101 style discussion of the investment landscape and investment options available to retail investors.
    Ifigenia Fasogiannis, Human Resources & Social Development Canada
    Canada's Public Pensions
    Faced with an ageing society and a doubling of the senior population by the year 2030, recent research has found that Canadians:
  • Do not understand the Retirement Income System
  • Do not know the details of Old Age Security and the Canada Pension Plan
  • Do not do much retirement planning
  • Do not include public pensions as part of their retirement planning
    In past years, SDC Income Security Programs concentrated on educating seniors about benefits available to them. Recently we developed a new way of doing business. Outreach Information Officers are reaching out to all Income Security Programs Contributors, with the goal of providing them with information that will help them to:
  • Understand public pensions and have confidence in them
  • Understand the role of public pensions in the overall income system
  • Take action towards their retirement goals
    Your Service Canada Centre located in the North Shore which serves North & West Vancouver, the Sunshine Coast and Howe Sound, houses an Outreach Officer who concentrates mainly on outreach activities in these communities as well as the Tri-Cities, Maple Ridge and Northern British Columbia.
    Amin Mawani, P.hD., CMA, CFP - Associate Professor - Schylich School of Business at York University
    Income Trusts: Risk Management and Valuation
    This presentation will examine the different types of trusts business, energy, REITs, their respective risks and sustainability of payouts, the extent to which payout abilities can be overstated, tax, growth, governance and accounting implications, and how they all come together in determining whether income trusts are under or overpriced.
    Paul W. Chan, CFP, CA(M), FCIS, FCCA, ChFC, FTII, CLU
    Cary List, CA, CFP
    Geoff Davey
    James A. Barnash, CFP
    Christopher S. Reynolds, President, Investment Planning Counsel Inc.
    International Panel
    Understand the reach of the CFPTM for Financial Planning on a global basis.
    Kevin O'Brien, CFP
    Introducing Estate Planning to your Clients
    This session is developed around a book authored by the speaker called "Where there's a Will there's a Way". This is an easy to read and understand book on Estate Planning designed for the general public. The book is filled with real-life stories and examples of how estate planning works. "Where there's a Will there's a Way" includes a workbook section that helps to organize your client's data for a proper estate plan. The work book section also makes the book an invaluable organizational tool for your client's to keep and maintain. For example, there is a section on the "Duties of an Executor" that is an essential document for anyone who has been appointed to be an executor. Utilizing the book as a method of introducing clients to Estate Planning, puts the Financial Planner in the quarterback position to develop the estate planning strategies and co-ordinate the estate planning team's efforts. This is a great way to add value to your practice and for your clients. It is smart way to be introduced to the next generation to own your clients assets. Furthermore, it helps build professional relationships with centers of influence such as Lawyers and Accountants that specialize in estate planning.
    Don Nilson, BCom, MSc(Bus Admin), CMA, FCMA, CFP
    Principal, Nilson & Company, AFT TRIVEST
    Taxation of Investment Income: Things that every financial manager should know to provide "value-added" to the wealth management process.
  • managing the tax impact of ROC and DRIPs
  • using attribution to your advantage
  • tax treatment of index-linked securities and ETFs
  • the pros and cons of investment income holding companies
  • tax treatment of re-organizations of spinoffs
  • transactions with your RRSP
  • share donations
    Tim Cestnick, FCA, CPA, CFP, TEP
    Principal, The WaterStreet Group Inc. Author and Columnist
    Creative Tax Structures
    In this presentation, Tim Cestnick will provide you with insights into strategies that will enable you to accomplish the following for clients:
  • reduce the tax burden resulting from loans received by shareholders from their corporations
  • create cash in a client's corporation for investment purposes
  • create interest deductibility through use of a holding company
  • enable a significant donation to charity while eliminating the Canada Revenue Agency as a stakeholder in the client's estate, and leaving the client's heirs better off at the same time
  • minimize the impact of the U.S. estate tax, which will be a significant issue for U.S. citizen clients in particular, but for non-U.S. citizen clients as well. The strategies presented by Tim will involve the use of corporations and trusts, and will also involve advanced corporate reorganizations such as estate freezes. All of this will be explained in easy-to-understand language.
    Linda Caisley, CFP
    Private Foundations & How to Help Your Clients with Their Philanthropy
    "Giving it Away"
    More and more people are entering the stage of life where they are starting to think about what kind of a legacy they will leave, not only for their family, but for their community. This session will discuss how you can help your clients design and implement a charitable giving plan that will create the right kind of impact in the community. Learn about what motivates donors to give, when they should look at philanthropy, how they can involve their family in philanthropy, and what kinds of gift tools and options you can discuss with your clients to make these dreams come true, including some creative ways to let you continue to manage your clients' assets before and after the gift.
    John Boukouris
    Capital Accumulation Plans (Cap) Guidelines
    Capital Accumulation Plans (Cap) GuidelinesThe new Capital Accumulation Plan (CAP) Guidelines offer a unique business building opportunity for advisors. Coming into effect December 31, 2005, the CAP Guidelines affect DC Pension Plans, Group RRSPs, Group RESPs and DPSPs. A major impetus of the Guidelines is to provide plan members with investment advice so that they can make informed investment decisions. This is where you come in. Plan sponsors may outsource this responsibility to a qualified service provider. You are a qualified service provider. This session will review the guidelines, the reasons they were created and how they are creating a fantastic opportunity for an independent advisor to pursue a side of the business and provide needed independence and expertise.
    Roxanne Eszes, P. Eng., CFP
    Current Trends and Issues in Financial Planning
    As a financial planner, you have an obligation to keep up to date with changing tax laws, new insurance and investment products, new government programs and incentives, evolving practice standards and more, all while maintaining your busy practice. For the fourth year in a row, CIFPs is pleased to provide conference participants with a synopsis of many of these new developments in the 2006 edition of Current Trends and Issues in Financial Planning, a continuing education course.Roxanne Eszes, author of both the 2006 Current Trends course and the Financial Planning Practitioners’ Guide, will present some of the highlights from Current Trends during this breakout session. Topics covered may include recent developments in income tax planning, retirement planning, investment planning, estate planning and insurance.
    Bruce Kirkby, Adventurer, Writer and Photographer
    An Adventurer's Guide to The Importance of Risk Management
    Using images and tales from a decade of advantures including expeditions to Everest, Arabia, the Arctic, Africa, Hong Kong, Bhutan, Iceland, Greenland & Borneo, Bruce highlights the fundamentals of risk management and shares specific lessons learned in the high stakes wilderness arena. He reminds us that risk is dynamic, but also that a culture of safety is necessary; he also provides ways to spot and avoid human error, telling us to not focus only on big hazards that, actually, most big accidents are the result of a culmination of small mistakes. His scenarios ranging from ice climbing, rafting, kayaking, camel riding, and hostage taking are used to show that with preparation and planning, seemingly intolerable risks can be overcome, a key to success on nearly every major project. Bruce acts as a guide on how to determine risk and to act accordingly from there. "The greatest hazard in life," he says, "is to risk nothing at all."

    Copyright ©2002-2024 www.CIFPs.ca. All rights reserved.

    CP4-DR - 7/27/2024 2:24:31 PM

    Hosted by Ekkum Inc.