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2005 CIFPs National Conference

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2005 Conference >Seminar Descriptions

We urge you to bookmark this page and check back often as presentation outlines will be uploaded on receipt from speakers.

David Brown -- Corner the Market: The Case for Critical Illness or Disability Insurance
Successful financial planners and advisors know how to differentiate themselves from their peers. One of the best methods is to specialize in a particular market segment and become an expert in either a concept or a product. The aging of the baby boomers and the development of new products called living benefits offers a unique opportunity for today's advisors. Living benefits include income replacement contracts, critical illness insurance, health benefit contracts and long term care plans. Today, only a minority of financial planners and advisors are concentrating on living benefit products. There is significant room for more specialists in this important and lucrative market. This seminar will compare and contrast income replacement plans and critical illness plans. It will concentrate on how to prospect, design and close income replacement sales and critical illness sales in both the personal and corporate market. Attendees at the seminar will be well equipped and confident to work in the living benefits arena.

Sandy Cardy -- Tax and Estate Planning: Advisor Opportunities Using Trusts
We are on the brink of the largest generational transfer of wealth ever seen in Canada. With investors focused on “Legacy Planning,” in order to preserve their estate for the next generation, advisors need to be able to present solutions that will meet these objectives. Sandy Cardy, Vice President of Tax and Estate Planning at Mackenzie Financial, will help us to better understand the use of Trusts - as a creative estate and tax planning strategy.

Daryl Diamond, CFP CLU CHFC -- Retirement Income and Rock Music Trivia
Insights in to what is the fastest growing market and one that is currently very underserved, The Retirement Income Market. There is a world of difference between strategies and planning for the accumulation years and strategies for the income years. There are many benefits for retirees who consolidate their income planning and assets with one advisor. Planners will either lose existing clients or prosper by attracting new clients based on how skilled they are in this area. Comprehensive income planning involves an integrated approach using four distinct planning channels. This session will discuss how each of these areas function separately and on an integrated basis. Content will include both broad concepts and technical detail to assist advisors in doing a more efficient job for their retired and pre-retirement clients. This will include looking at the different retirement issues between the retiring Baby Boomer and their retired parents. The material to be presented is based on Daryl’s most recent book, Buying Time (John Wiley and Sons). This session will show you why this is the market of the future and discuss some effective planning considerations that can be easily implemented. It is fast moving, entertaining and at the same time will allow you to test your knowledge of rock music trivia.

Paul van Eeden -- Understanding the Gold Price
The gold price is much less of an enigma than most people think. It might surprise you how simple it is to understand why the gold price is what it is. Paul will show that all it requires is an objective view of world events and the patience to follow the cause and effect of one event to the next.

Roxanne Eszes, P.Eng., CFP -- Current Trends and Issues in Financial Planning
As a financial planner, you have an obligation to keep up to date with changing tax laws, new insurance and investment products, new government programs and incentives, evolving practice standards and more, all while maintaining your busy practice. For the third year in a row, CIFPs is pleased to provide conference participants with a synopsis of many of these new developments in the 2005 version of Current Trends and Issues in Financial Planning, a continuing education course. Roxanne Eszes, author of both the 2005 Current Trends course and the new Financial Planning Practitioners’ Guide, will present some of the highlights from Current Trends during this breakout session. Topics covered may include the evolution of critical illness insurance in Canada, income trusts and hedge funds, recent tax developments and practice issues such as the FPSC’s new Practice Standards and new privacy requirements.

Janet Freedman & Marie Howes -- “Avoiding Icebergs: Coping with Disability”
With over 40 years of Financial Planning experience between them, Janet’s sudden disability forced them to navigate the maze of government and private disability programmes. Their book and this seminar are in response to the serious lack of information previously available to both advisors and clients to assist them in planning for Icebergs. In today’s complex world, coping with a sudden disability has many hidden aspects. Advisors are expected to have all the information at their fingertips. Are your clients prepared? Are you prepared? This seminar covers many areas of financial planning for disability by experienced financial planners who have “been there”. The seminar includes information on:
  • Federal, Provincial and Municipal Government programmes;
  • Group and individual disability, critical illness and long term care insurance;
  • Integration of benefits;
  • Powers of Attorney;
  • Role of the Advisor; and
  • Planning Tips.

    Gavin Graham -- Global Investment Strategy
    Integrating the views of its ten world-class portfolio advisors, Gavin Graham from GGOF will be presenting its investment strategy for global income and equity markets. Of particular interest will be GGOF's investment recommendations: non-correlated income asset classes for income-oriented investors; value stocks for North American equity investors; and Asian equities for global investors.

    Tracy Heath – Sustainable Investing
    Tracy Heath will present “The 3 P’s to investing: People, Planet and Profit” - Building your business through sustainable investing. What is Sustainable Investing or Socially Responsible Investing? Are your clients looking to save for a secure financial future without compromising their values? The majority of investors surveyed said yes. Everyday you and your clients do little things that make a difference, recycling, composting, riding a bike to work or even driving a smart car. By choosing to invest in companies that share your values like love of family, strength of community and a healthy environment, you can take a big step in taking care of tomorrow. Tracy will help you see the value of becoming a socially responsible advisor to increase your book of business as well as image and profile in your community. She will explain the evaluation process using the Corporate Sustainability Scorecard to determine if companies meet required standards. Find out how the Shareholder Action Program works to encourage corporations to become more in tune with shareholders and profits for you and your clients.

    Karen Henderson -- How to Talk to Your Clients About Long Term Care Planning
    Karen Henderson, a former family caregiver, personally experienced the devastating effects of long-term care and went through it all and emerged on the other side with enough sense, humour and wisdom to last a lifetime! Yet, long-term care planning is a subject many people would rather avoid than confront. This seminar is designed to give you the tools you need to successfully address this need while you provide your clients with a vital service. During the seminar you will learn about:
  • Defining the 50+ Market;
  • Demographic Realities and Long Term Care;
  • Care-Related Costs;
  • How to Personalize the Sale of LTC Insurance Products;
  • Marketing Techniques and Tools; and
  • Communication Tips. Karen will share with you what she has learned about the art and science of long term care communication - the key to successful planning. You - and your clients - will never look at aging the same way again.

    Barry LaValley -- Retirement Planning for Today’s Aging Baby Boomer -— More Than Just Money
    Retirement planning is undergoing a paradigm shift as the first wave of baby boomers reach their sixtieth birthday. Many financial planners approach retirement planning as a financial or work issue when in fact successful retirement is often more of a psychological adjustment for the client. Canadian retirement expert Barry LaValley’s presentation will help the audience understand the key non-financial issues associated with today’s retirement. In addition, he will examine the role that the planner has in helping the client reframe and clarify his or her retirement vision. According to The Retirement Lifestyle Center, there are six key factors to a successful retirement that every client should understand. The advisor can play an important part in the client’s education by not only understanding these key factors but providing education from outside experts to help the client. In addition, many of these key factors have a financial planning component that must be addressed by both client and advisor.

    Michael E. Lem, CMA, FCMA, CFP -- Workshop on Life Planning and Interior Finance
    Usage of the term "Life Planning" is starting to be used in Canada...but still without any true understanding of what it is or entails. Life Planning is on the cutting edge in financial planning here in Canada...and a growing phenomenon worldwide. Life Planning is based upon behavioural finance and interior discovery techniques. If financial planning is about helping people achieve their financial goals then, life planning is about determining what one’s life goals are and how to plan one’s life and finances to achieve them. Life planning is a top down approach to understanding ones finances, and the motivations behind. Further, Life Planning is a sure fire approach to ensuring that your clients stick with their financial plan...and the advisor who has brought about their financial self-awareness.

    Peter Mansbridge -- Canada and Canadians in a Changing World One of the best public speakers in the country, Peter Mansbridge brings warmth, humour, and a dynamic stage presence to all of his presentations. His speech will touch on key issues of the day, exploring the national mood in relation to political trends. He also talks about leadership ... what it takes and how it can be achieved whether its politics, business or academics. His stories often highlight the accomplishments of Canadians - both at home and on the international stage - and show his love for the country as well as his determination to celebrate our contributions to building a better world. Running through all of his talks is one common thread: His desire to see Canadians celebrate their heritage and recognize that a shared national story has shaped us at both an individual and a collective level, and that this story is being daily written and re-written by all Canadians.

    Charles Marcus -- Achieving Excellence and Success in Business and in Life
    We choose to be successful in business and in life the moment we decide to step out of our comfort zone and do whatever it takes to reach our goals. We become exceptional in business when we come from a mindset of serving and helping our clients, by building lasting and winning relationships with them, focusing on the clients needs and objectives at all times, by delivering exceptional customer service, which leads to customer loyalty and a consistent stream of referral business. We become exceptional in life when we take full responsibility for our actions and make a commitment to excellence every day. Drawing on his own personal and professional experiences, Charles Marcus will take you on an incredible journey through adversity, fear, challenge and change to ultimate success. His presentation will challenge you in all areas of your life and inspire you to unleash the magnificent potential and greatness that lies inside each one of us.

    Amin Mawani, MA, LL.M, PhD, CMA, CFP -- Taxes & Decision Making
    Tax planning can be defined broadly as optimal financial decision-making in the presence of taxes. It is more than simply minimizing taxes. Effective tax planning requires consideration of taxes as well as non-tax factors (e.g., risk) in maximizing the present value of after-tax lifetime family net income. Effective tax planning also incorporates the simultaneous interaction between financial and tax planning, since neither financial planning nor tax planning can be done in isolation from each other. This session will begin with an overview of tax planning followed by examples of the following tax planning strategies:
  • RRSP Investment Choices and Portfolio Diversification;
  • Asset Location and Asset Allocation;
  • RRSPs vs. Mortgage Paydown;
  • Lock-in Effect of Capital gains yielding investments;
  • Deferring Capital Gains tax by short-selling;
  • Spousal Spin strategies based on spousal RRSPs;
  • Benefits of accelerating RESP contributions;
  • RRSP Homebuyers Plan; and
  • Borrowing for RRSP contributions.

    Pierre McLean -- Protect, Grow and Transfer
    The Market is about to undergo a dramatic transformation, and with it, a new level of expectations from clients. To what degree is your practice ready to accomodate these changing needs and capitalize on this new opportunity? This presentation will preview three foundational building blocks and some of the tools you need to prepare yourself and your practice for this shift in wealth. Whether you are targeting the High Net Worth investor or simply operating at a higher level, this presentation will provide you with the framework you need to Protect, Grow and Transfer your client's wealth.

    Aileen Miga -- Combining Life Coaching with Financial Planning: The Evolution of The Financial Planning Experience
    In the future, financial planners will become more like “financial coaches”: utilizing coaching skills and principles to help people use money intentionally to attain their highest goals and increase personal freedom.
    Aileen Miga, CFP, Life Coach and Author of Inspired Wealth: Financial Leadership for the 21st Century will share her insights into the trends, which are shaping the future of financial planning and how integrating coaching methods into your practice will position you as a 21st Century Planner. In this informative session, Aileen will teach you 12 Principles that transform the financial planning process into a framework for coaching clients to use money intentionally, with meaning, purpose and direction to create the fulfilling lives they desire. You will come away with a new appreciation for the inherent wisdom of the financial planning process and learn how to use it to help clients reach for their potential.

    Mike Muise -- Wealthstyles: A Different Way to Segment
    Are you looking to target your sales and marketing efforts to reflect your client and prospecting list? If so, attend this session to learn:
  • How to define market segments;
  • How to look beyond demographics; and
  • How lifestyle, attitudes and perceptions drive investment decisions.
    Wealthstyles helps you meet the needs of your clients with easy access to information and solutions to investment challenges your clients may be facing at different stages of their lives. Leverage off the in-depth research Manulife has conducted with key market segments that you are targeting. Mike will offer you great ideas on how to cross sell your existing book as well as tap into other "like minded" markets.

    Linda J. Murray, LL.B., CFE –- Regulatory Compliance Concepts and Recent Regulatory Initiatives
    From anti-money laundering to zero-tolerance regulators (and everything in between). Many registrants these days are feeling overwhelmed by what is perceived to be an ever-increasing regulatory burden. There is no need to panic—or consider a career change! Help is as close as your compliance staff. The goal for this session is to break down the myriad of regulations into a few manageable regulatory concepts, review recent regulatory initiatives, and provide some practical ‘compliance survival tips’ for registrants and compliance staff.

    Miklos Nagy -- The Uneven Hedge
    Following a brief review of the hedge fund universe from 1990 to 2005, Miklos Nagy will discuss the growth of the product; current issues in the US; review hedge funds versus other investment products in terms of return and performance as well as analyze hedge fund performance globally and specifically over the long haul, in booming market conditions and under difficult market conditions. Miklos Nagy will also focus on the Canadian hedge fund market - specially its unique characteristics; the fragmentation of hedge fund distribution among provinces; Principal Protected Notes and their rise and downfall; as well as the issues around Portus and Norshield. Miklos Nagy will also review which of your clients should incorporate hedge funds in their portfolios, the type of product and how much.

    Carla Rieger -- The Power of Laughter: Managing Change with a Sense of Humor
    Recent scientific research has now proven that a pessimistic attitude can now be correlated to one specific blood type -- B negative. The ability to keep light-hearted even in a very hectic financial planning role, can help you avoid the pitfalls of "neg-aholism". You will discover some of the latest tools in humor relations that can help you:
  • Build rapport and maintain trust with clients and customers;
  • Give feedback in a way that people can hear;
  • Enhance daily enjoyment of work;
  • Increase overall health and energy levels; and
  • Improve productivity and increase your business. Experience the joy of laughing together - a celebration of people and life!

    Fraser Smith, B.Sc. -- The Smith Manoeuvre
    Advisors searching for new business opportunities should look no further than examining their clients' mortgages. Most of the 3.5 million mortgages in Canada are not tax-deductible. The total value of Canadian mortgages in place is about $500 billion dollars. The money has been spent on housing, but because of the unique design of The Smith Manoeuvre, that $500 billion dollars is available to spend again – this time to purchase appreciating investment assets. This is accomplished by utilizing a readvanceable mortgage which will allow the bank to advance one dollar of investment money for every dollar that the mortgage is reduced. The debt will remain constant at the original amount of the first mortgage, but the character of the debt will change from bad debt to good debt. This is not a leveraging strategy inasmuch as the debt is not increased; it is a debt conversion strategy. The new investment portfolio is free and clear (the house remains as security for the borrowing), and will grow over time to provide a personal retirement pension plan for the homeowner. Join Fraser Smith, President, Smith Consulting Group Ltd., for new strategies on accelerating the conversion of the debt from bad to good. In addition he will introduce and review The Smithman Calculator, which allows for quantification of the benefits described. As well , Fraser will discuss The Cash Flow Dam, a strategy available to anyone who has an unincorporated business and the Freeboard Equity leveraging strategy.

    Talbot Stevens -- The "Hidden Tax" of Clawbacks
    Talbot Stevens specializes in teaching people how to benefit financially without sacrificing their standard of living and has become recognized for his comprehensive education of advanced financial strategies, including conservative leverage. Talbot’s latest research pioneers fundamental analysis of which investment strategies produce the most after-tax retirement income, helping us understand when investments are better outside of RRSPs. Leaders in the financial industry claim this analysis revolutionizes how to choose the best investment strategy. Whether speaking to the public, corporate staff, or the financial industry, Talbot enthusiastically integrates humour with innovative strategies that add immediate and long-term value and we urge you to attend his presentation which will focus on:
  • The Impact on Savers and Retirees;
  • Understanding the impact of clawbacks on most savers and over 40% of retirees;
  • Reducing the business risk of lawsuits related to this poorly understood issue.
  • How clawbacks increase marginal loss rates;
  • Strategies to reduce clawbacks; and
  • How to analyze strategies from a net after-tax, after-clawback perspective.

    Dave Wahl -- Managing Change and Building Value in Your Practice
    Dave Wahl will walk you through how you can manage your business as an asset, provide guidance on how to buy or sell a practice, and help you develop transition and succession plans.

    Panel: Roxanne Eszes, Jason Laidler & Marion Weisgerber -- Practitioners' Guide Panel
    The Financial Planners Practice Guide (FPPG) is the newest and foremost guide of its kind available to financial planners in Canada. Covering all of the components required for the financial planning professional to advise his or client, the FPPG will be an extremely valuable tool for all CIFPs members. FPPG Committee participants will demonstrate how the many tools within the guide can be applied to a specific case study. Following a brief overview of the guide’s contents, delegates can ask specific questions relating to the case study application or the guide in general.

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    CP4-DR - 7/27/2024 3:19:53 PM

    Hosted by Ekkum Inc.